Each day thousand of people travel around all city. Santiago is not too big but had a lot of town like, Puente Alto, Providencia, La Florida, etc. and you have to travel around this for go to work or university or school, and the best way to travel is in subway.
Subway is the best form to travel because conect every place in Santiago, maybe Maipu not yet, but the government is construying a extention of "linea 5". Subway is confortable and quiker than buses transantiago and cheaper I don't know, because I pay schoolar fare and is the same in all public transport, but if I'm noyt wrong the fare is expensive in subway, but it doesn't matter, because it be worth.
In my life I travel everyday in subway to go to university, at 6:45 am I took subway in Puente Alto station is too crowded, because the most of people enter In their jobs at 8:00 am. In the afternoon is crowded too, because the same people go back home after a long working day.
I like a lot subway because is confortablke and I arrive quikly to my home,the ting that I don't like about subway is ladys who yell, offend and fight with you for one seat, but is the only negative point.
Subway is improve day by day and is better for all type of people, like old and physically handicapped people. I prefer subway in all way because is closer to all people.
Good argument supported with clear examples. It's a bit informal in some places e.g. paragraph 2. Don't forget to check your work for spelling mistakes when you've finished.